Transporter will always hold a special place in my heart because it was the first show Big Light signed on to co-produce after we officially became a limited company in the U.K.

There had already been a first season of the show that, despite a generous budget, no one felt lived up to its potential. So the producers at Atlantique Productions in Paris approached me, hoping Big Light could make the series into the success it deserved to be.

In truth, Transporter was a tricky concept for television. In the movies, Frank Martin is famously a loner. He has no personal attachments, save for French police Inspector Tarconi, played in the series as in the films by the charming and truly hilarious François Berleand.

For the second season, we brought more characters to surround Frank, such as Caterina Boldieu (Violante Placido) and Jules Faroux (Mark Rendall). We made some great episodes, but alas our final episode – wherein Frank was locked in a battle of wits (and cars) with another transporter (played by Dhafer L’Abidine) – proved to be the series finale.



  • Canadian Cinema Editor Awards - Best Editing in Long Form Television Series - 2013